Friday, December 6, 2019
Muscle Growth Essay Example For Students
Muscle Growth Essay IntroductionWith the introduction of such modern conveniences such as the automobile, remotecontrol, and even the electric toothbrush people are relying on technology to doeverything for them. With a generation growing up in todays society physicaltasks have almost become obsolete. Tasks such as even going shopping and goingout to visit a friend can be done from the comfort of your own computer. Withthis sedentary lifestyle, muscular size will almost be unnecessary, except forthe athlete who wants to succeed in sports. To the non-athlete, there will beno reason to leave the house because everything that you need will be at yourfingertips, you will not have to get up and do anything. Any type of exerciseis good for the body and muscles. Muscle growth is essential if you want tolook better, feel better, and perform everyday tasks such as walking to the car,and getting out of bed easier. A person who is in shape will also sleep betterthen an out of shape person, and feel more revitalize d in the morning. Muscles account for approximently 35% of the body weight in women, and about 45%of the body weight in men. With over 600 muscles covering the human skeletonmuscles give the body bulk and form. Then human body contains millions ofmuscle fibres whose coordinated contraction cause the whole muscle to contract. Muscles are the foundation on which our bodies are built. Without muscles ourbodies could not perform the simplest tasks such as opening our eyes, talking,breathing and even the pumping of our heart or the most difficult tasks, such asrunning the hurdles in a track and field event.. Muscles are also important tomaintain balance and posture. Description of MusclesIn the body there are several types of muscles that control different functionsin the body, one of these types being skeletal muscle. Skeletal muscle is themost evident in the human body due to it having the most mass the other types ofmuscles and that it lies directly under the skin attached to the skeleton bytendons and ligaments. Skeletal muscles are divided into three structural units, the entire muscle, themuscle bundle, and the muscle fiber (cell). Each muscle fiber is divided intotwo types of fiber structure, fusiform and pennate, with the pennate beingbroken up into three basic structures. These structures being the unipennate,bipennate, and multipennate. Notice the longditudinalgrain of thefusiform muscles (left)compared thepennate muscles. (below)Striated muscle tissue (above) is associated with the muscles related to theskeleton and movement. Striated muscle tissue is the muscle tissue locateddirectly under the skin and are the muscles that are the most visible. There are two types muscles in skeletal muscles, these are fast twitch and slowtwitch muscles. Fast twitch muscles have a fast form of myosin ATP and are verygood of delivering calcium to the muscle cell. Slow twitch muscles have a slowform of myosin ATP and are not very good at delivering calcium to the musclecell. Fast twitch muscle fibers reach peak tension more then twice as fast asslow twitch muscles, making them more explosive muscles which would be moredesirable for athletes such as sprinters. Notice the dark slow twitchfibers and the light slowtwitch fibers magnified. Thefast twitch fibers tiremore easily then the lighterslow twitch fibers. Causes of Muscle GrowthMuscles growth (hypertrophy) takes place in the muscle fiber themselves. When amuscle grows there is not a increase in the amount of muscle fibers, since thisis set at birth, but rather an increase in the size of those muscle fibers, andan increase in the amount of connective tissue in the muscle. Muscle fibers areenlarged through resistant training, or regular activity by stimulating theamount of the contractile proteins, actin and myosin. What this does is makemore cross bridges available to do more work. Muscle fibers with no apparentresistant trainingMuscle fibers with considerablymore resistanttrainingThe stimulus that tells the muscle to grow is a result of two things, theshortening of the muscle against a resistance and the intensity of thecontraction. For growth process to start a point must be made in your workoutwhere the exercised muscle is working near maximal capacity against a resistance,and the relative intensity of the exercise is very high. When performed justright, a highly intense resistant exercise disrupts cell wall and cellularmicrofilaments, which begins the growth process. A: General Adaptation Syndrome (G.A.S)The way our muscles respond to training is the same way that any other stimulusresponse mechanism in our body responds to a stressor. This mechanism is calledthe General Adaptation Syndrome. If a muscle is given a stimulus (stressor) that it is not accustomed to it willrespond by going through three stages. The first of these stages is called thealarm stage. The alarm stage occurs immediately after a very intensestimulation, muscle cells are disrupted, and later on muscle soreness is felt. Corruption in Annawadi EssayMuscle growth is desirable because it gives people who have a pudgy look thelook of a more lean and athletic person, rather then the look of a couch potato. Weight training will not only help someone to look better, but they will alsofeel better, give them more energy, and allow them to eat more due to theincreased speed of their metabolism. With an increased metabolism they willburn more fat while sedentary, then will a person with a slow metabolism. Theywill also more likely be more attractive to the opposite sex, and will be moreconfident with themselves. Starting an Muscle Growth ProgramAfter a muscle growth program your body will feel better, regardless if it yourfirst time in a muscle growth program or you have been training for a while. Even though you may feel sore your first time training, or after a extendedbreak from training, you will probably find that this is a good sore in a waythat you know you are doing something good for your body. Keeping Track of ProgressKeeping track of progress can be done in many different ways during weighttraining, but is a good idea in order to see what type of muscle and strengthgains that are being made. Progress can be plotted by actually taking themeasurements of your muscles and recording the differences every week or everycouple of weeks. Another way that progress can be measured is by keeping somesort of journal which has your workout in it, along with how much weight thatyou are lifting for each exercise, this way you can monitor the strength gainsthat you are having. Avoiding the Plateau EffectAfter weight training, the first few months you may notice a drastic increase inyour lifts, but after that you may start to plateau. What happens when youplateau is that the gains in strength that you have been achieving seem to leveloff, and strength gains seem to stop. This can be a discouraging factor in manyyoung weight trainers and may lead them to give it up because they think that itisnt doing any good. If this happens dont be alarmed, it is very common amongweight trainers. What is happening is your muscles are not getting the alarming effect that they received when you first started working out, yourmuscles have adjusted to that routine and now have built almost a resistantagainst. Many people feel that when this happens that more weight must be addedin order to achieve more strength gain, but this is not true. By altering yourworkout your muscles will get confused and the alarming effect will occur inyour muscles causing muscle and strength gains to occur once again.. EquipmentWhen weight training, it is recommended that proper equipment be used beforestarting a training program. Proper equipment would include proper shoes tocushion the feet and prevent any foot soreness and to dampen the pressure put onthe arches of your feet by the increased weight placed on your body whilelifting the weights. Another piece of equipment recommended, but not essentialwould be a pair of workout gloves. Workout gloves protect the hands whengripping the weight and may prevent a callus buildup on the hands. One piece ofequipment that is strongly recommended would be the weight belt. The weightbelt is a thin leather belt which is very wide and is worn around the waist inorder to protect the lower back. Due to the strain that some weight trainingexercises can put on the lower back the belt is highly recommended. Cool DownIt is recommended to adequately cool down after a training program in orderprevent, or reduce muscle soreness. During a weight training program you shouldproperly stretch the muscles being worked in order to keep them loose. Stretching should also be done directly after a workout because the muscles arestill warm and can be stretched more easily. This will also increaseflexibility which can be very advantageous in preventing injuries such as musclesprains and strains. A Conclusion to Muscle GrowthA muscle growth program can be beneficial to everybody, from the young athletewanting to succeed in sports, to the older man trying to help stay and feelyoung. The benefits of muscle growth are too high to be passed out by anybodywho has any sort of ambition of feeling better about themselves, looking better,and having more energy for everyday tasks. You will find that once you startweight training, and muscle and strength growths are noticed that it will almostbecome addicting and the desire for bigger and better results will becomegreater and greater. I would recommend muscle growth to anybody, and anyone whodisagrees should give it a try, just for a little while, and after the resultsof improved strength and muscle size are noticed weight training will become apart of their life. hCategory: Science
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